Most enterprises today are restricted to a siloed view of fraud by channel. 60% of fraudulent transactions start with or include a call into an IVR. Additionally, fraudsters looking to take over accounts make an average of 5 calls into an organization before attempting a transaction. Fraudsters committing online fraud, mobile fraud, card fraud, and ATO’s are going to use any tool they can to make a withdrawal successful, and if possible, repeat the process.
Pindrop has developed technology to break down the channel barriers to get a clearer picture of how fraud is penetrating your organization in its graph analytics based Pindrop® Trace technology. In this 30 minutes, Pearce Matthews, Product Manager at Pindrop, will explore the technology behind Pindrop’s innovative technology that examines connections between accounts and known fraudulent activity and other behaviors to determine which accounts are the most “At-risk”.
In this session you will learn:
Pearce Mathews is Product Manager at Pindrop, leading the Protect product line focused on end-to-end contact center fraud detection and cross-channel account risk monitoring. Pearce has a 10+ years experience in product management, security, and telephony. Pearce earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters in Computer Science at Georgia Tech.
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